​ Coolbellup Learning Centre
Documented Plans- Individual Education Plans
A Documented Plan is a support document for teachers as they plan, monitor, assess and evaluate learning and teaching programs that are personalised for each student.​
Teachers develop a range of planning documents that describe differentiated/individual planning. A variety of different plans are used, including:
• Individual or Group Education Plans (IEP or GEP);
• Individual Behaviour Management Plans (IBMP);
• Individual Learning Plans (ILP);
• Individual Transition Plans (ITP);
• Risk Management Plans (RMP); and
• Social Competency Plans (SCP).
The process of developing a documented plan is as important as the end product.
Our process involving collaboration with parents, carers and therapists, consultation, negotiation, agreement and commitment. This leads to a quality plan that supports student learning.
Individual Education Plans:
• are student centred and focused on educational, functional, physical, behavioural, social and/or emotion strengths as well as needs;
• addresses relevant learning outcomes, targets, learning and teaching adjustments;
•are developed by teachers in collaboration with student/s, parents/carers and other relevant staff and/or interagency staff;
• records the agreed response of the school to identified educational needs for an individual student or a small group of students;
• are realistic, practical, measurable and readily understood by all those involved;
• are a working document for the teacher/s and other staff including support staff,education assistants, visiting or specialist teachers who work with the student/s;
• identifies the implementation and monitoring responsibilities of those working with the student/s;
• records regular assessment and evaluation of student progress and achievement of identified outcomes and targets during a specified period of time; and
• is provided to parents/carers and available to other agencies as requested by parents/carers.
​IEPs form the basis of the students end of semester reports.
Academic Programs:
Teachers cover each of the seven learning areas, English, Maths, Science, Health & Phys. Ed, Humanities and Social Science, Technology, The Arts - as in any primary school. The difference being that each learning areas is tailored to meet the individual student's needs. The Centre's priority areas are English - Communications, Maths - Numeracy & Measurement and Health & Phys. Ed - Physical activity , Independence and Social Skills.
Students work in home room classes, ability and multi ability groups for key areas. This provides teachers with the ability to tailor learning styles to meet student and group needs leading to improved student outcomes.
Additionally teachers continue to make links with the WA Curriculum - following the Curriculum outlines of SCASA. As a Specialist Education Support school we also use the ABLEWA Curriculum which is tailored to meet the specific needs of students with high support needs and disability. These approaches also fit with the SEN Reporting documents of the Department of Education WA.
Protective Behaviours
​Protective Behaviours is a term used to describe a range of strategies used within specific programs targeting student awareness of safe environments. ​The Centre runs preventative education programs adaptable for all age
groups to develop a safe and supportive learning environment. We also run information sessions on protective behaviours for parents and carers to keep a consistent message between home and school.
Autism Intervention Program
Our Autism Intervention Program is designed to provide additional and intensive assistance.
Teachers identify students for the program based on data collected from the student’s individualised plans.
The program is based on ABA principles with data collected using ABA designs. The program uses TEACH and SPECTRE models.
The program staff work collaboratively with class teachers to ensure that student outcomes are met.
AAC Program ( Alternative Augmentative Devices)
The Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) project was implemented in 2017 in response the increasing number of students with complex communication needs enrolled at Coolbellup Learning Centre. These students use a combination of Speech Generating Devices (SGD), Key Word Signed communication, or a symbol supported communication system to enhance their access to the curriculum and communication opportunities. The need to provide staff with additional training and skills in the use of AAC in the classroom, in order to improve student outcomes was identified by parents, carers and teachers as an area of need and formed the basis of this project.
We have an AAC specialist teacher working in and across classrooms, planning programs of work to meet individual needs. Our specialist teacher works with school staff, parents, carers and therapists to ensure student outcomes are met.
Fundamental Movement Skills
Research suggests that fundamental movement skills are key to addressing issues of participation levels in physical activity and in addressing the increasing obesity levels amongst the general population.
When students are proficient in fundamental movement skills they are more likely to participate in games and sports and establish long-life commitment to health and physical activity...
The development of fine and gross motor skills is an essential to academic learning.
Ipad Programs - for students and parents
Centre staff and students participated in the Education Support South Network's iPad Project in 2012/13 this was part of a Department of Education Innovations Grant and provided training onsite for all staff by an Apple Educator. Since participating in this project staff have used their knowledge to improve students skills in the area of communication via the use of iPad technology. iPads are now used across all learning areas and as well as being a motivational tool are a great learning platform for students.
A specific iPad/technology program caters for all students skill levels and takes place twice per week and is additional to class iPad use.
In 2013/14 the Centre won an additional grant to upskill parents in our Network - this program provides training and hands on experience for parents and is focused on the Applications used by their child. This program has continued and is now embedded across learning areas.